Network & Cyber Security Solutions
Network & Cyber Security Solutions protect an organization's IT infrastructure from threats and ensure data integrity. Key components include firewalls, intrusion detection systems, encryption, access control, antivirus software, and security information and event management (SIEM) tools.
- Comprehensive network & Cybersecurity Services.
- Managed Network Operations Center 24x7 (NoC)
- Managed Cybersecurity Operations Center 24x7 (SoC)
- Managed Detection & Response Services.
- Proactive security measures to safeguard data and operations
- Enhanced protection against evolving cyber threats
- Advanced Cyber-attacks simulation (Red & Blue Teaming)
- Managed XDRs, EDRs, NDRs solutions.
- Managed Firewall Solutions.
- Managed SIEM Solutions.
- Data Leak & Loss Prevention Solutions.
- Privilege Access Management Solutions.
- Vulnerabilities and Patch management solutions.
- Penetration Testing services.
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